Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stress Less and Drama Free

So when my feet hit the floor this morning I felt unusually light,
Didn’t have to open my blinds for the sun was shining extra bright.

I went to look in the mirror and fell in love with the person staring back at me,
We agreed today would be a good day- stress less and certainly drama free.

Found a five in the pocket of my favorite “you go girl jeans”,
Thanked God for another blessing amongst the many He’s bestowed on me.

Called to pay a bill over the phone and the customer service chick said, “don’t sweat it, we overcharged you last month so your account has a credit!”

Smiling hard; showing all my teeth like a kid in a candy store,
Cause I haven’t even left the house yet and don’t think I can take much more.

But all good ended as soon as I got to my car,
There was a scratch down the side that looked like it came from some handle bars.

I didn’t get mad- I took a breath as I remembered my vow to me,
Today would be stress less and certainly drama free.

Got to work and our team of 8 had become a workforce of 4,
Half of the staff was out sick with some mess I never heard of before.

At lunch I ordered my favorite meal: a #5 with a Dr. Pepper, no onion add cheese,
But when I got to the office and opened my sandwich, it was cold and it had enough onion to bring a grown man to his knees.

I looked at the clock only an hour to go before this work day would be over,
Then Belinda bops in and announces overtime, due to all the work that needs to be covered.

I didn’t get mad- I took a breath as I remembered my vow to me,
Today would be stress less and certainly drama free.

When I get home my dog’s been in the house for 10 hours straight,
I open the door to find poop all over the place.

I tossed a pizza in the oven while I took my shower,
Forgot to set the timer and cooked it for 2 hours.

My day started out great and ended up pretty bad,
But at no point in time did I get mad.

You can only control your reaction to what happens to you,
In the morning, vow to have a good day- you’ll be amazed when you do.

Elevate, Eliminate, Celebrate!

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