Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Going Natural

I went to a barber a couple of weeks ago and asked him to cut out all of my perm. He cut, but he tried to convince me that I really didn't want to go as short as I need to for that to happen. I took he reply to mean that he wasn't confident enough in himself to make it happen so I accepted the hair cut and rocked it for awhile.

Yesterday, I called a barber that was referred to me and he was like 'come on now'. I went and he worked his magic. I LOVE MY HAIR!!!

If you know me, you know that my hair has been all kinds of lengths and colors throughout the years. I maintained my hair at home for the most part unless I was getting it cut- I am not THAT good. But as I got older, it has gotten short. My motto is: it's just hair, it'll grow back.

So I have been asked numerous times why I cut my hair. The answer is because I want to go natural, but there are so many other reasons as well:

*Financally- I needed to cut some expenses and I thought my hair care would be a good start

*Mentally- I want to get my mind right so why not start with my hair and let the rest of my body follow the lead. I was talking to another barber and he was saying that the chemicals in perms mess with your attitude... it seeps into your mind and your pores. Its close to your eyes and your nose... It made perfect sense to me. I am not judging anyone with or without a perm, but after one day I am not rushed or frustrated as soon as I get out of the bed over my hair!

*Symbolically- This is the biggest one (I have sub reasons- yeah, I made that up!)
  • Letting go of dead weight (people as well as hair)
  • Simplyfying my life
  • Starting over
  • Stripping down-vulnerability so that I can see myself
Below you can see pics of me from past to present. I got many compliments on how pretty my hair was and I get just as many if not more now!

My hair was cut in short layers in the back and got longer on the sides. Don't know what color this was... I curled it on this particular day but I would normally where it bumped under.
My hair had grown out from the above pic so I cut it myself by evening it out and leaving it longer on one side. I spiral curled it with flat irons.
Same hair style as above except straigt and flipped at the ends.
First big cut. I didn't want to cut it all so I did the 'one side shaved' look.
Then I said the heck with it. Cut it!!!
Cut again in a different style...
Hair cut from barber #1. He didn't style it and as you can tell. I didn't know what to do with it. Lol.
Cut by baber # 2. My new do!!! Courtesy of Q at Barber Kings in Hope Mills... He did his thang!
I'm signing off good people: Elevate, Eliminate, Celebrate

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